Tuesday 17 April 2012

DIY - Pretty Receipt Paper Streamers

How pretty are these lace-looking ribbons we found at Walnut & Main?
They are so easy and will make a big impact at your party!

Here's what you'll need:
- At least one 1 roll of receipt paper, 2 inches wide
- Dowl (or something similar)
- 9x13 sheet
- Pattern Punch (ours was from Martha Stewart)
- A long workspace (try your kitchen bench)

Here's how to make them:
1. Arrange your rolls into a row and stick a dowel through the holes of the receipt paper rows. Put them ion a 9x13 sheet or something similar to keep them from tolling all over your workspace.

2. Next, lay the paper on top of each other, pull towards the punch and start punching away. For the ribbon to be nice and neat, make sure that all of the rolls are being stamped evenly. The punch has guides to where you need to move the paper to.

3. Lift up the punch one in a while to empty the bottom of all the paper that is being punched out. You could use these extras as confetti.

Now get decorating!

We love this idea, and can't wait to use it again at our next event!

XO Elody Events

P.S If you decide to use this fabulous idea, don't forget to post your pictures to our Facebook page, we'd love to see how they turn out for you!

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